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Revised Proposals for Priors Butchers Shop at Clenchwarton Road


Begin forwarded message:

From: Priors
Date: 23 August 2022 at 16:42:23 BST
To: Aaron Williamson
Subject: Fwd: Revised Proposals for Priors Butchers Shop at Clenchwarton Road


Begin forwarded message:

From: marksuiter
Date: 23 August 2022 at 15:48:39 BST
To: Andrew Prior
Subject: Re: FW: Revised Proposals for Priors Butchers Shop at Clenchwarton Road

p { margin: 0px; }Afternoon Andy

I seem to have missed Aaron's earlier email. Please accept my apologies.

At our last meeting the suggestion was to see if the centre section (Food Hall) could be constructed using a steel frame and looking at Nimmo's proposals it would appear that it could.

I've attached Nimmo's proposals indicating the section we discussed using at our meeting. This section of Nimmo's proposal is probably 30% of the overall scheme shown. I would imagine if you go with a full steel frame you will require a pad foundation at every base plate location in addition to full foundations to accommodate whatever you decide to use for the external finishes. Traditional construction would probably provide you with a "softer" looking building as opposed to various forms of cladding.

Can't comment on steel prices reducing at the moment (although the new Catnic Lintel price list recently released has increased by around 45%) but I am hearing that there may be a general reduction in all material prices as things start to slow down. So any reductions will probably be seen across the board. My offer of managing the project may still provide a cost effective solution?

I'm not sure why the connection between the steel roof and timber roof would be too much of an issue?

Personally I believe you have more control with a traditional construction and windows/doors location/construction is much easier. Brickwork will provide a softer building but without full details for both traditional and steel framed options it would be difficult to provide clear cost options for either and any difference could be lost due to multiple design costs.

The final decision will probably depend on your requirements for external finishes. If you prefer brickwork then I believe the single storey construction required would be best suited to traditional construction for the East/West wings with the Food Hall in Steel Frame. If cladding preferred externally then steel frame would be the way forward.

I hope this is of use and if you require any additional information please do not hesitate to contact me at your convenience.

Once again apologies for the earlier missed email from Aaron.



------ Original Message ------
From: "Andrew Prior"
To: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Sent: Tuesday, 23 Aug, 2022 At 1:53 PM
Subject: FW: Revised Proposals for Priors Butchers Shop at Clenchwarton Road

Afternoon Mark,

Trust you’re keeping well.

Please see below.

Just one small paragraph (where you are mentioned below) that would be awesome if you could provide your very brief thoughts and knowledge on.

Thanks in advance,

Kind Regards,

Andrew Prior.

01553 773677
164 St Peters Road, West Lynn, Kings Lynn. PE34 3JF.

From: Aaron Williamson [mailto:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.]
Sent: 23 August 2022 08:55
To: 'Priors'
Cc: 'Ian Bix'
Subject: FW: Revised Proposals for Priors Butchers Shop at Clenchwarton Road

Hi Andy,

Please see below and attached the revised Soil Report and email from Bob Murray which includes the provisions for the steel frame.

Good news is that it seems that Bob is confident that we can use pad foundations for the steel members.

I believe the next step for me is to finalise the drawings (which mainly includes drawing the revised elevations which will look similar to the first scheme) and then collate all the documents ready for submission.

I will aim to get as much done as possible this week but I am on leave next week (30th - 4th) so realistically I think I would be looking to submit everything back to planning during the week commencing on the 5th September (aslong as I get all caught up in time). I apologise in advance for this delay, it seems that Bob has been on holiday and now it’s fallen on the one time I’m on leave!

Anyway, whilst I get the rest of my side of the work done. One food-for-thought that might be worth considering is whether you decide to construct the entire building using a steel frame (as shown on Karl’s drawing attached) or only construct the Food Hall section in steelwork and the rest using timber trusses (steel windposts would still likely be needed in the large spans of cavity walls and Karl did mention that connecting the timber roof to the steel frame roof would be more tricky to detail). This would likely be a worth-while discussion with Mark Suiter as he said steel would be much faster to construct but I am not sure what the price difference is (I do believe steel prices have come down recently).

If you could let me know if you are happy for me to proceed with finalising the revised drawings and documents ready for planning re-submission then that would be great.

Kind regards,

Aaron Williamson

For and on behalf of

Ian H Bix Associates Ltd

Sandpiper House,

Leete Way,

West Winch,

King's Lynn,

Norfolk PE33 0ST

Tel: 01553 844077

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Website: www.ianbix.co.uk

From: Robert Murray This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.>
Sent: 22 August 2022 10:00
To: Aaron Williamson This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.>
Subject: Re: Revised Proposals for Priors Butchers Shop at Clenchwarton Road

Hi Aaron,

Sorry for not getting back sooner but I have been away.

Attached is soils report from our most recent visit.

Should a steel framed building be adopted the soils are good enough to support this on pad foundations.

I have included this in th ereport.



On Mon, 8 Aug 2022 at 15:16, Aaron Williamson This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.> wrote:

Hi Bob,

I don’t mean to rush you as I know Andy chased you up last week but Andy would like to get the revised scheme submitted to Planning soon. We just would like clarification on whether the steel frame (in particular the section in the middle that forms the large span over the Food Hall) would require piling? Also if we did the whole building in steel frame then would this require piling?

Kind regards,

Aaron Williamson

For and on behalf of

Ian H Bix Associates Ltd

Sandpiper House,

Leete Way,

West Winch,

King's Lynn,

Norfolk PE33 0ST

Tel: 01553 844077

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Website: www.ianbix.co.uk

From: Priors This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.>
Sent: 03 August 2022 21:31
To: Aaron Williamson
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.>
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Subject: Re: Revised Proposals for Priors Butchers Shop at Clenchwarton Road

Evening Bob,

Trust you are well.

Have you had any chance to look at the below email?

For the plans to go in shortly I think Aaron would just love to box off the query below.

Any help would be massively appreciated as always.

Thanks in advance,


On 21 Jul 2022, at 17:26, Aaron Williamson This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.> wrote:

Hi Bob,

In reference to Andy Priors project above, we have been looking at revising the scheme to make it smaller and also create a steel section over the Food Hall and Prep Area as to avoid any structural posts and create a vaulted full height ceiling.

I have been in touch with Karl at Nimmo Steel to give me a rough idea of what could work. I attach his plan.

As you can see he has shown the entire building in steel whereas we might only do the middle section and then do the rest in traditional timber trusses.

What Karl did mention is that if we went for the steel frame, there’s a possibility we would have to go back to piles. Are you able to advise whether the steel alternative would need piling or whether we could still get away with strips/pads?

If piling is required, could we just pile the main larger sections of steel over the Food Hall and strip foundation the rest? As a note, Karl shows sheeting rails whereas we plan to put cavity block and brickwork around the steels to allow for a brick and clad appearance externally.

Any advise on this would be much appreciated. If you need any additional information please don’t hesitate to contact me.

Kind regards,

Aaron Williamson

For and on behalf of

Ian H Bix Associates Ltd

Sandpiper House,

Leete Way,

West Winch,

King's Lynn,

Norfolk PE33 0ST

Tel: 01553 844077

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Website: www.ianbix.co.uk


Bob Murray

R C Murray

Chartered Structural Engineer